Whatever it’s DPS is, it’s probably lower than other more conventional weapons. This is inspired by some parasitic organisms observed on Earth that can control the hosts behavior patterns to their detriment. However, another player was quick to note that we don’t actually know if the rate of fire is calculated per second, per minute, or something else entirely saying, “We don’t really know what a rate of fire of 76 means – could be 76 times a second, could be 76 times a minute (more likely) – or something completely different. They said, “Damn, could be close to 300dps.

While it’s unclear if it translates into damage on human targets well, one fan has already been speculating that the weapon could output up to 300 damage per second. One user pointed out that the cutter seen in the image was further shown to do a total of 4 energy damage with a rate of fire of 76. The Starfield community was, of course, deep in discussion as to whether the screenshot confirmed they’d be able to use mining equipment as a form of weaponry. Taking to the Starfield Reddit, one user pointed to a screenshot (below) of one player who appeared to be using a mining cutter to attack an enemy.

Despite the plethora of Starfield weapons we’ve already seen, players have been speculating that mining tools might also be useful for gathering “human resources.” With the Starfield release date just around the corner, players are now hoping that they’ll be able to take some Dead Space-inspired measures when dealing with hostile NPCs.